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Tri Club Registration
Spin Class
Open Water Swim
Cycle Group

Great Reasons to Join the Club

  • We have loads of fun!

  • Training with friends is motivating.

  • Discounts at our sponsors; Trail Bicycles, Gillian Clayton Physiotherapy, etc. This includes a discount for the purchase of a Swim Buddy for open water swims.

  • Reduced Triathlon BC membership rate.

  • We offer year-round training notifications by email to Comox Valley Triathlon (CV Tri) members.

  • Subsidized food at club events covers your membership dues (quoting Gillian Clayton)

  • Group training sessions, clinics and seminars, where you can learn from experts and professionals involved in the sport.


If you have any questions about CV Tri club memberships, please submit your question using the general contact form at the bottom of this page.

Two Types of Club Membership

Comox Valley Triathlon Club offers members the opportunity to train and compete with triathletes of all levels - or just get a membership to socialize with us! 


  • Social Membership. We welcome everyone to join us in our club social activities (e.g. bowling, pub visits, BBQs, etc.)

    • The CV Tri Club Social membership allows you to join in our social events and to support the club (thank you!).

    • This annual social membership cost is $20 straight up (i.e., no added Tri BC or Tri Canada memberships and fees required).

  • Train and Race Membership 

    • Receive all the benefits of a Social Membership.

    • ​In order to participate in our club-organized workouts (e.g., swims, mini-tris, Aussie Pursuits, outdoor group rides, bricks, etc.*), members will require the CV Tri Club $20 Train and Race membership.

    • This type of membership also requires getting Tri BC and Tri Canada annual memberships. The Tri BC membership provides the mandatory insurance to participate in our organized workouts and gives you the Tri BC membership required to participate in triathlons in BC. See the Tri BC membership benefits here , and Tri Canada membership benefits here.

    • But, note that a membership in the CV Tri Club also entitles you to a $5 discount on your Tri BC membership when you indicate your CV Tri Club affiliation as you register for the standard Tri BC membership. This discount is automatically applied when registering for the Train and Race membership online while getting the Tri BC membership.

  • Do I need a club train/race or social membership for club activities?
    The CV Tri Club offers the opportunity for individuals to take part in our activities without a membership commitment. Kind of a "try before you buy" concept for the club membership. Tri BC supports our club in this approach as well. But, after a couple of "tries", we’d like you to commit to the "buy". Some activities may have a different fee depending on whether you are a member or not. And there are some social events that only Social or Train/Race club members (and, usually, their guests) are invited to attend.
  • Can I get a Social membership and still come to club training?
    This depends on the training, and the answer for an activity may change year-to-year. Refer to the club’s web site Training page for current details. For example, in the Fall/Winter, the Sunday spin sessions have facility insurance and waivers for those activities. So, the Tri BC membership is redundant and a Social membership would be good enough. There are also other activities that are not formal club activities that would be posted on the Facebook page. Examples would be posting awareness of Fall/Winter lane swimming times that some club members often appear at, or impromptu gatherings for a snowshoe or other type of activity. However, there are some club-sanctioned training sessions that need to have Tri BC sanctioning with insurance. In those cases, you will need the "train and race" membership. See FAQ below for more details.
  • Why would I consider getting a club Race and Train membership?
    Some club activities need to be organized more formally, and therefore need to be sanctioned through Tri BC – which then wraps insurance around the activity for both you and the club. Tri BC is going to want participants in these types of events registered as a Tri BC member (implied in a club train/race membership). But, besides the club activities, the Tri BC and Tri Can memberships offer additional benefits for the added $55 annual fee. For example, an annual Tri BC membership would mean you would not have to pay any event-day Tri BC fees for Tri BC sanctioned races during the race season. To see if their overall membership benefits are of value to you, read more membership information for Tri BC at and, and for Tri Canada at
  • Can I get a club Social membership and upgrade to a Train/Race if needed?
    Yes. You will need to get a Tri BC and Tri Can memberships added to your online registration account. Refer to and proceed through their registration process. Note that the $5 Tri BC discount for club affiliation is not automatically applied like it is in a normal CV Tri Club train/race registration process. To get this discount, you will need to contact Tri BC ( to get a discount code to apply at the Order Summary stage of payment.

Membership Registration Steps

Here are the steps to register for either membership. Don't be intimidated! It looks long because every potential quirky situation is laid out so you can find your way. There are only 7 steps to club membership nirvana!


  1. Start here  and click the “Individual Registration” button to start the process up.

  2. You will need a CCN online registration account to get the CV Tri Club membership. Depending on your situation, you may already have a CCN account to use, or you may have to create a new one. Pick your situation from below and follow the guidance.

    • If you had a CV Tri Club membership in the past:

      • In this case you already have a CCN account from past years. You should be able to login with the same account/password you used for those previous memberships, and use that same CCN account for getting the CV Tri Club membership. In other words, login to that CCN account instead of creating a new one.

      • Go to step 3.

    • Otherwise, if you registered for triathlon events or possibly memberships for other organizations (e.g., cycling):

      • You might already have a CCN account. If so, you can reuse that same CCN account and password to login to register for, and purchase, a CV Tri Club membership.

      • Go to step 3.

    • Otherwise, If none of the above applies to you:

      • You will likely need to create a new CCN account. Create a CCN account at this step through the above link.

      • Go to step 3.

  3. Choose whether you want to get a “Social” or “Train and Race” membership.

  • The two membership types are the same cost. The difference is that the train/race membership provides club activity insurance coverage, Tri BC race entry fees coverage for the year, and some other benefits that differ between the two. The difference in benefits are explained further during registration.

  • If your take part in club training activities, you will need to choose to be a "Train and Race" member (to get club individual insurance through Tri BC). As a consequence:

    • Your membership registration will automatically take you down the path of also getting and paying the fees for a current year's Tri BC and a Tri Canada membership. 

    • Since the registration process will recognize that you are also getting a CV Tri Club membership, a Tri BC $5 discount for sanctioned/affiliated club member will be automatically applied. You will see that come up on your order summary.

    • Note that there will be a section during registration where you are requested to provide some background information about yourself. This is optional and, if you would like to provide this information, indicate with the appropriate, selected option for each question.

4. Enter all the requested information for the individual being registered.

5. In CCN you can register multiple people through one login account. So, if you normally also handle the registration of a spouse, kids, or any others for the club, you can do so and repeat the step 3 above for each.

6. Once you have provided all the registration details, you will have several waiver agreements to approve: one for Tri Canada, one for Tri BC, and one for the CV Tri Club.

  • If you have a second (or more) person that you have registered at the same time (see step 5 above), and they aren’t there with you to approve the waivers, you will need to indicate that you are not that person. Doing this will cause those people to be emailed a request to approve the waivers separately - which they need to do to finalize their memberships. Check with them that they received the email and have dealt with that step.

7. When you reach the Order Summary page at the end, there are a couple of things to consider.​

  • ​If you are getting a CV Tri Club train/race membership, you will see line items for the Tri BC annual membership as well - but with a $5 discount applied because of our club affiliation with Tri BC.

  • You will see an add-on purchase option of "Refundable Registration" with a choice of "View options" or "No thanks". Be aware this is a value-added option from CCN (the online registration vendor) and it is your personal choice whether you want to pursue this. More information about this option can be read by choosing the "View options" button, or read the details here

Want more info? Fill out the form below to send us a message (* indicates required field):

Thanks for submitting!

© Comox Valley Triathlon Club

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